Diablo 4 Guides: Druid The Mad Wolf Build

If you’re a fan of Diablo 4 and have been exploring the Druid class, you might be interested in a unique build that combines the power of the werewolf with the deadly potency of the poison. This build, aptly named “The Mad Wolf,” is not only incredibly fun to play but also highly effective in dealing with enemies in the game.

The Build Overview
The Mad Wolf build focuses on transforming into a werewolf and dealing a ton of poison and physical damage. The poison is the star of the show and with the right abilities, Paragon trees, and Diablo 4 items, you can push this to some really fun heights.

Skills and Abilities
The first ability to pick up is Claw, which serves as our basic attack generator. We eventually max this out and upgrade it to increase the attack speed and poison enemies over 6 seconds.

The second skill is Shred, one of our main damage abilities. It is a three-attack combo with the ending performing a large finisher and poisoning the enemy.

For defensive skills, we have options like Blood Howl and Cyclone Armor. Blood Howl increases our attack speed by 15 for 4 seconds, while Cyclone Armor provides damage reduction and knocks enemies back.

Our animal companion choice is Poison Creeper. It does poison damage on a 20-second cooldown and can immobilize enemies as well as deal a ton of poison damage.

Druid Boons and Paragon Points
At level 15, we start getting Druid Boons. The most important one is Pack Leader from the wolf spirit, which gives us the lucky hit effect of having critical strikes potentially reset the cooldown of our active companion skill.

Once we hit level 50, we start earning Paragon points and buy diablo iv gold. The Paragon board allows us to pick passive buffs from spirits to help us out. The most important one to get is Heightened Malice, which increases our damage by 45% when three or more poisoned enemies are nearby.

Gear and Equipment
The main item to get for this build is Mad Wolf’s Glee, a unique item that increases our physical poison damage and our movement speed and gives us +2 ranks to all of our werewolf skills. Other useful legendary items include Stormclaw, Skinwalker, and Night Howlers.

Combat Strategy
The general strategy with this build is to poison as many things as possible and then use Poison Creeper to push through an incredible amount of poison damage. When we start to take damage, Blood Howl will heal us and give us an extra crit strike. Cyclone Armor can help us get some breathing room in heavy situations.

The Mad Wolf build is a fun and effective way to play the Druid class in Diablo 4. It combines the power of the werewolf with the deadly poison potency to create a build that is fun to play and highly effective in dealing with enemies in the game. Whether you’re a seasoned Diablo player or just starting out, this build is worth a try.

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