What If It was A Bit More Like this Flashback Event – PoE

There should be something that makes Standard more worth it. It seems 80% of folk play league, and if you don’t you’re missing out. I like leagues, but it tends to take me almost all 3 months to get to red maps between work, life, and other things. And then I have to start over or miss new stuff.

PoE Flashback lite

What if it was a bit more like this flashback event? Say, every area has a 10% chance to add one old league modifier on top of the usual standard. And it refreshes every hour. It works just like flashback is right now, only with just one mod, and on a low chance. This mechanic would not be in leagues. It doesn’t throw off the power balance terribly, and once in a while everyone goes to farm somewhere earlier in game because a Breach opens up or Harbingers spawn.

Yeah GGG shoukd do a yearly(?) Reset of standard and move everything into like a glacier league so it goes like this

Challenge League 
Resets every 3 to 4 months with the new crazy mechanics GGG want to implement.
Which when it ends transfers all the players into:

Standard League
Resets yearly(?) – GGG use this league to check the ending challenge league’s “will the challenge league be implemented in the core game?” implementation, and any further development of the league that missed their development cycle when the challenge league was first released.
Which when it ends transfers all the players into the:

Glacier league
Never resets. Gets the adjusted and refined long term implementations of the leagues when the standard league ends.
I think this is a pretty good solution because:

GGG can implement insane challenge leagues and gets a chance to give them a good second pass of development. Resulting in them being deeper and more polished as the move into the new standard. People that can’t no-life the challenge league’s will get enough time over a year to explore the leagues in a fresh-ish economy. The in-game currency is available at the professional online gaming house. The interested gamers can poe currency buy from those professional online gaming houses in the most affordable cost.